”A Plea for an Experimental Approach to Teaching Improvisation”. Paper presented at Students’ ownership of learning (International Symposium), Royal College of Music in Stockholm, 15-17 September, 2010.

”Empowerment and Authenticity in Modern Hatha Yoga”. Paper presented at The Magic of Yoga: Conceptualizing Body and Self in Transcultural Perspective (International and Interdisciplinary Symposium), University of Heidelberg (Germany), 11-12 December,  2009.

“Nomadology, Improvisation, Somaesthetics”. Paper presented at The Second International Deleuze Studies Conference, University of Cologne (Germany), 3-7 August 2009.

”Empowerment and Using the Body in Modern Postural Yoga”. Article published in Mark Singleton & Jean Byrne (eds.) Yoga in the Modern World: Contemporary Perspectives, 2008, Routledge, pp. 119-139. [Reprinted in Spirituality in the Modern World: Within Religious Tradition and Beyond (Paul Heelas, ed., 2011) – a compilation of “landmark texts” on modern religion.]

“Deleuze and Experimental Improvisation”. Paper presented at the  The First International Deleuze Studies Conference, Cardiff University (Wales), 11-13 August 2008.

”Yogarörelser i Sverige”. Article published in Ingvar Svanberg & David Westerlund (eds.), Religion i Sverige, 2008, Stockholm: Dialogos; pp. 277-280. [”Yoga Movements in Sweden” in a handbook for Religions in Sweden.]

“Att göra yoga”. Interview published in Massage & Kroppsvård, 2007, nr 4, pp. 52-54.

“Transcending the Individual and Resisting Modernity: Empowerment and Sacralization in Modern Postural Yoga”. Paper presented at the conference  Religion on the Borders: New Academic Challenges to the Study of Religion, Södertörn University College (Sweden), 19-22 April 2007.

“Empowerment and Embodiment in Modern Postural Yoga”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting for American Academy of Religion in Washington D.C. (USA), 18-21 November 2006; session on “Yoga in Theory and Practice” (respondent Richard King, Vanderbilt University).

“Embodied Experience in Modern Postural Yoga”. Paper presented at the International and Interdisciplinary Post­graduate Workshop on Modern Yoga, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge (UK), 21-23 April 2006,

”Krishnamacharya’s Viniyoga: On Modern Yoga and Sri Vaisnavism”. Article published in Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 2005, nr. 14:1, New York: Folk Books, pp. 65-94.

”Reflektioner från Tokyo: XIXth World Congress of the IAHR”. Report published in Svensk Religionshistorisk Årsskrift, 2005, Stockholm, pp. 225-231. [Reflections on the IAHR Congress in Tokyo 2004, published in Swedish journal for History of Religions.]

”Från frälsning till kroppsligt välbefinnande – Medikalisering av modern hathayoga”. Article published in Chakra: Tidskrift för Indiska Religioner, nr 2, Lund University, 2004, pp. 70-84. [”Medicalization of Modern Hatha Yoga”, published in a Swedish journal for the study of Indian Religions.]

”Performing the Yogasutra: Towards a methodology for studying recitation in modern Hatha Yoga”. Paper presented at the conference Ritual Practices in Indian Religions and Contexts, Lund University, 9-12 December 2004.

“Octagonal Metamporphosis”. Masters Thesis in History of Religions, Stockholm University, 2003.

“Studier av samadhi i klassisk yoga”. Candidate Thesis in History of Religions, Stockholm University, 2001.


“Improvisation and coincidence”. Blog post.