”A Plea for an Experimental Approach to Teaching Improvisation”. Paper presented at Students’ ownership of learning (International Symposium), Royal College of Music in Stockholm, 15-17 September, 2010.
”Empowerment and Authenticity in Modern Hatha Yoga”. Paper presented at The Magic of Yoga: Conceptualizing Body and Self in Transcultural Perspective (International and Interdisciplinary Symposium), University of Heidelberg (Germany), 11-12 December, 2009.
“Nomadology, Improvisation, Somaesthetics”. Paper presented at The Second International Deleuze Studies Conference, University of Cologne (Germany), 3-7 August 2009.
”Empowerment and Using the Body in Modern Postural Yoga”. Article published in Mark Singleton & Jean Byrne (eds.) Yoga in the Modern World: Contemporary Perspectives, 2008, Routledge, pp. 119-139. [Reprinted in Spirituality in the Modern World: Within Religious Tradition and Beyond (Paul Heelas, ed., 2011) – a compilation of “landmark texts” on modern religion.]
“Deleuze and Experimental Improvisation”. Paper presented at the The First International Deleuze Studies Conference, Cardiff University (Wales), 11-13 August 2008.
”Yogarörelser i Sverige”. Article published in Ingvar Svanberg & David Westerlund (eds.), Religion i Sverige, 2008, Stockholm: Dialogos; pp. 277-280. [”Yoga Movements in Sweden” in a handbook for Religions in Sweden.]
“Att göra yoga”. Interview published in Massage & Kroppsvård, 2007, nr 4, pp. 52-54.
“Transcending the Individual and Resisting Modernity: Empowerment and Sacralization in Modern Postural Yoga”. Paper presented at the conference Religion on the Borders: New Academic Challenges to the Study of Religion, Södertörn University College (Sweden), 19-22 April 2007.
“Empowerment and Embodiment in Modern Postural Yoga”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting for American Academy of Religion in Washington D.C. (USA), 18-21 November 2006; session on “Yoga in Theory and Practice” (respondent Richard King, Vanderbilt University).
“Embodied Experience in Modern Postural Yoga”. Paper presented at the International and Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Workshop on Modern Yoga, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge (UK), 21-23 April 2006,
”Krishnamacharya’s Viniyoga: On Modern Yoga and Sri Vaisnavism”. Article published in Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 2005, nr. 14:1, New York: Folk Books, pp. 65-94.
”Reflektioner från Tokyo: XIXth World Congress of the IAHR”. Report published in Svensk Religionshistorisk Årsskrift, 2005, Stockholm, pp. 225-231. [Reflections on the IAHR Congress in Tokyo 2004, published in Swedish journal for History of Religions.]
”Från frälsning till kroppsligt välbefinnande – Medikalisering av modern hathayoga”. Article published in Chakra: Tidskrift för Indiska Religioner, nr 2, Lund University, 2004, pp. 70-84. [”Medicalization of Modern Hatha Yoga”, published in a Swedish journal for the study of Indian Religions.]
”Performing the Yogasutra: Towards a methodology for studying recitation in modern Hatha Yoga”. Paper presented at the conference Ritual Practices in Indian Religions and Contexts, Lund University, 9-12 December 2004.
“Octagonal Metamporphosis”. Masters Thesis in History of Religions, Stockholm University, 2003.
“Studier av samadhi i klassisk yoga”. Candidate Thesis in History of Religions, Stockholm University, 2001.
“Improvisation and coincidence”. Blog post.